Friday, October 8, 2010

Dirty Asthma-causing Air and Your Child

As if this is breaking news: In a joint study between Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley, researchers have found that dirty air increases the severity of asthma in children.

Pollutants in the air decrease the function of Treg cells, or T cells, which regulate the function of the immune system.

“Treg cells are responsible for putting the brakes on the immune system so that it doesn't react to non-pathogenic substances in the body,” reported Andrew Soos of the Environmental News Networks story.

Now that you finally know cigarette smoke and pollution are harmful to your child’s lungs, you have a reason to get the little one to a national park. shows air quality in the US. Looks like another reason to move west.

Read Soos's full story for Environmental News Network.

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