Tuesday, April 19, 2011

L.A.'s transportation transformation

Los Angeles has adopted a bicycle master plan which will include over 200 miles of new routes every five years. The plan calls for 1,680 miles of interconnected bikeways.

It's not as much a transformation as it is a spotlighting. As GetOutdoors.com points out, the city already has great weather year-round, skiing, whitewater, and some of the world's best climbing and hiking within a couple hours drive. Now, the city will be a great place to ride a bike too.

The bicycle plan will include educating drivers on sharing the road with bicyclists safely.

While it is always great to see cities becoming more environmentally conscious and recreation friendly, is seems Europe may be ahead of the curve on this one: Petrol-powered cars could be banned from European cities by 2050.

The children are going to run a muck in the streets come 2050. They won't even need to look both ways before darting to their friend's house.

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